Wedding Traditions of Uzbekistan

- June 3, 2016
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- Adelfa
Traditionally in Uzbekistan, the future groom’s mother and other close relatives act as match-makers, collecting information about the girl and her family and visit the girl’s home. It is only on the third visit that the girl and her family give their consent to be matched.
Shirini khuri ("eat sweets") or djavob berdi ("gave the answer")
Male elders from the groom’s family are invited to the bride's house to confirm wedding details. The girl's family gives the men a list of gifts to be given to the bride. The families also agree all wedding and all pre-wedding activities.
Fotiya ("Engagement")
On the day of Fotiya, festively dressed women and men walk the streets in a procession led by musicians. The loud music announcing to the entire district that the girl is betrothed and will soon be married.
Hino bandon ("draw henna")
This is a day when the girl invites her friends to her home. The girls draw henna to their palms and feet and the bride changes her dresses to her new clothes.
Padar Osh ("father's pilaf")
On the morning of the wedding, at the bride's house, pilaf is prepared. Traditional sad songs are sung as this is a sad day for the father to say farewell to his daughter.
Djuma-i-pushon ("clothe in a robe")
On the same day, at the groom's house they are also preparing pilaf for the evening. The bride's family presents the groom with a gold-embroidered robe, skullcap or a beautiful turban and embroidered waist scarf. The young man is dressed in the new clothes by an elder who then reads the prayer for the occasion. The groom is then showered with money and sweets before making his way, accompanied by close friends in a noisy procession with flaming torches, to the bride's house.
"Evening" (evening ceremony)
Traditionally, weddings take place in the bride’s house. In many ways, the wedding is similar to European weddings. After the wedding, the guests and the groom leave the bride’s house. The bride spends her last night at her parents' house. The next day, at dawn, someone comes from the groom's family to take the bride to the groom's house.
Ruybinon ("Bride seeing")
After the bride has arrived at the groom's house, women come to visit the new member of the family and present her with gifts. When guests leave, a bed is solemnly prepared in traditional style, one high, one lower. The most prosperous woman in the group, who is married with children, rolls on the new bed, thereby wishing the couple a happy family life.

Domod salom (greeting-son-in-law)
A few days after the wedding the bride's family invites the young couple on their first visit to the bride's parents. The bride's mother prepares gifts for her son-in-law and each guest.
Sar Shuyon or Joy Ghundoron ("make the bed")
A week after the wedding the bride's parents and relatives make a return visit go to the young couple's house. On the seventh day after the wedding the wedding beds are made. The bride's hair is put in a special headpiece called a kaltapushak, that confirms the girl is now a woman.
In the first months of family life the young couple are invited to visit relatives, from both sides. All the guests take presents.